Each quarter we meet with students who are facing challenges which may be preventing them from doing their best in their courses. Whether personal or academic, we want you to know there are free resources on campus to assist you. Please take a moment to click on the links below and see what they can offer you.
Short 4 minute video about Mental Health at UW
The hardest part for most people is take that first step and seek a resource.
Counseling Center FAQ’s
It is important to know this is a free confidential resource and can be used as a starting point.
Free Hall Health Services if you paid the Services and Activities fee along with your tuition
If you have an urgent medical issue and you are not sure where to turn, start at Hall Health. This is also a confidential resource.
Student Care at Health and Wellness Center
If you are feeling overwhelmed and wish to discuss options this is a good place to start.
Disability Resources for Students
Disability is a broad term and can include permanent or temporary conditions that limit a person’s movement, senses or activities. One drop-in conversation could determine if DRS is able to assist you.
Engineering specific study centers
In addition to study centers, check out the link for workshops and seminars. Sometimes a classroom setting to learn study skills is the best way!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at undergrad@ee.washington.edu or 206-543-2142 if you have any questions or need assistance, we are here to help you.