The Administration section covers tasks and information managed by the front desk staff, as well as what’s dealt with by the Chair and his support staff.

Access to much of this material requires logging in with an ECE-affiliated UW account. If someone who’s not part of ECE needs access to something here, please contact the Assistant to the Chair.

ECE Policies & Procedures

The ECE Policies & Procedures page serves as the department’s single location where all approved and published policies are housed.

(Link coming soon)


The Committees page includes information about ECE-related committees, the members of those committees, and meeting information.


Communications includes Frequently-used Email Addresses, Fax Info, Video Conference Guide, ECE Logos, Letterhead and PowerPoint templates, etc.

Links for Faculty

The Links for Faculty page is intended as a one-stop quick reference for information frequently accessed by our faculty – items like Faculty Calendar, Faculty Meetings, The Promotion and Tenure system, Faculty Search system, etc.

Links for Staff

The Links for Staff page is intended as a one-stop quick reference for information frequently accessed by our staff or resources that need to be shared across teams – items like ECE Staff telework policy, Staff Meeting calendars and agendas.

Faculty/Staff Retreats

The Retreats Page includes related information such as Agendas, Presentations, Minutes, etc.


On the Organization page you’ll find Organization Charts, Strategic Plan, 10-Year Review, Curriculum Groups, Departmental Awards Page, List of Research Support Staff.

Travel Policies

Travel Policies are now located on the Research and Fiscal Operations page.

Other (and older) materials can be found in the Archives.