Payroll and HR Operations

Payroll/HR Updates

January 11, 2024

Access Your W-2 in Workday

The following information was provided by the Integrated Service Center (ISC) on 1/10/2024. To Retrieve Your 2023 University of Washington W-2: Log into Workday from the Sign in to Workday link at the top of the ISC website. In Workday, in the upper left corner, select Menu > Pay. Select the My Tax Documents button. Select the View/Print button under “Employee Copy,” then…

January 2, 2024

Annual Attendance Incentive Program

The following information was provided by the Vice President for Human Resources on 1/2/2024. Each January, the Annual Attendance Incentive Program allows UW employees whose sick time off balances exceed 480 hours as of January 1 to be compensated at 25% value for any accrued and unused sick time off accumulated during the previous calendar year. The Annual Attendance Incentive Program…

December 6, 2023

Suspended Operations Policy

The following information was provided by the Assistant Vice President for Campus HR Operations & Services on 12/6/2023. This is the University’s annual reminder to help ensure that your unit is prepared for the possibility of severe weather or other events that could disrupt transportation locally or require the University to temporarily suspend nonessential operations. The University encourages…

November 13, 2023

UW Disability Staff & Faculty Association (DSFA)

The following information was provided by the Vice President for Human Resources on 11/13/2023. The UW Disability Staff & Faculty Association welcomes anyone who self-identifies as disabled, D/deaf, chronically ill, Mad, neurodivergent, or is an ally to the disability community. Learn more about the supportive environment they are building that honors disability as an important part of…

October 31, 2023

UW Form 1555 Outside Work for Staff

In accordance with UW Administrative Policy Statement 47.3 Outside Consulting Activities and Part-Time Employment by Professional or Classified Staff Employees, the UW requires professional and classified staff to obtain University approval before engaging in any activities, regardless of whether paid or unpaid, if the activities could be in conflict with their UW duties. UW Form…

October 26, 2023

Open Enrollment

The following information was provided by the Integrated Service Center (ISC) on 10/25/2023. Open Enrollment runs from November 1 through November 30. In preparation for this once-a-year opportunity to make changes to your health plans or enroll in an FSA or the DCAP, here are some resources designed to help you successfully navigate the Open…