This table will continue to be updated while the entire Payroll and HR Operation webpages are under construction.


Payroll and Human Resources Homepage for payroll and human resource operations
Payroll/HR Updates Blog posts
Online Offer Letter System Staff use only. Restricted access.

Generator for department student offer letters.

Course Buyouts Information for faculty to request a course buyout for the academic year.
Student Appointments General information about the type of student appointments and how faculty can make hire requests.
Student Employment after Graduation UWHR guidance on employing a student after they have graduated.
Workday End Date for Guaranteed Funding Background information on the employment end date applied to students on guaranteed funding.
Volunteer Considerations Considerations for requesting volunteers, including minors or recently graduated students on Post-Completion OPT.
Faculty Summer Salary Request Information for faculty to request Summer salary.
Salary Calculation for Summer Teaching Explanation of how salary is calculated for Summer Teaching.
Research Hiring – Staff Steps and timeline to hire research staff.
Requesting a VISIT/VISER Intern Information and timeline to request a VISIT or VISER Intern.
New Student Employee Payroll Session Online version of the document reviewed during onboarding meeting.