Course projections are tentative and subject to change. Winter, Spring, and Summer 2024 projections for 400-level courses are particularly subject to change.

Course Area AUT 2023 WIN 2024 SPR 2024 SUM2024 Topic
201 CORE TBD Burden Eley HW Skills
205 CORE Reynolds Intro EE for CSE
215 CORE Hameed Chen Bohringer Chen Fundamentals of EE
233 CORE Dunham Mouradian Hameed Circuit theory
241 CORE Hannaford Hannaford Hannaford Python for Signal Processing
242 CORE Gadre Hameed TBD Signal Processing 1
271 EMB Hussein TBD Hauck Hameed Digital circuits and systems
280 CORE Chen Eley Wilson Exploring Devices
299 CORE Introductory topics in EE
331 DEV Chen Chen Chen Devices and circuits I
332 VLSI Rudell Moazeni Devices and circuits II
342 SIP Atlas TBD Orsborn Signal Processing 2
351 ENER Zhang Energy systems
361 EM Mouradian Majumdar Applied Electromagnetics
371 EMB Hameed Hussein Hsia – CSE Design of digital circuits and systems
393A CORE Mamishev Mamishev Mamishev Advanced technical communications
398 CORE Hannaford Hannaford Hannaford Professional issues
399 CORE Special topics
400 CORE Poovendran Advanced topics – Spr24: Tiny ML
400Q Fu Intro. to Quantum Hardware
406 CORE Teaching electrical engineering
416 COMM Ritcey Random signals for communications and signal processing
417/506 COMM Ritcey Modern wireless communications
418 COMM Poovendran Network security and cryptography
419 COMM Hameed Introduction to computer communication networks
421/521 DEV Anantram Quantum mechanics
423/523 BIO Carothers Intro to Synbio
424/524 BIO Marchand Advanced Synbio
425 BIO Synbio lab
437/538 VLSI Rudell Integrated systems capstone
440 SIP Sun Introduction to digital imaging systems
442 SIP Hwang Digital signals and filtering
443 SIP Hwang ML for signal processing applications
445 SCR Fazel Optimization
447 SCR Burden Makhsous Control System Analysis I (4)
451/551 ENER Lukuyu Renewable energy
452/532 ENER Choi Power electronics 1
454 ENER Kirschen Power system analysis
455 ENER Kirschen Power system dynamics and protection
458/533 Choi (Tentative) Power Electronics Controls
460/560 BIO Rao Neural engr lecture
461/561 BIO Ingraham Neural engr capstone
462/572 EM Reynolds Microwave engineering
466/564 BIO Orsborn Neural engr lab
469 EMB Hauck CSE Hussein Hameed Computer architecture I
470 EMB Oskin – CSE Computer architecture II
473/538 VLSI Rudell Linear integrated circuits
474 EMB Hussein Makhsous Iyer – CSE Makhsous Introduction to embedded systems
475/542 EMB Patel Hussein Hussein Embedded systems capstone
476 VLSI Lecturer? Digital integrated circuits
478/526 VLSI Taylor VLSI capstone
482/539 DEV Anantram Semiconductor devices
484 DEV Cory Lam Sensors and sensor systems
486 DEV Dunham Fundamentals of integrated circuits
487/587 DEV Lin
488/588 DEV Lin Advance Photonics
491/500C Core Li Li TENTATIVE Colloquium
492 CORE CANCELLED Leadership seminar
496 CORE Arabshahi Entrepreneurial system design
497 CORE Arabshahi Entrepreneurial capstone
498 CORE Arabshahi Entrepreneurial capstone
500 CORE Li Li Li Dept. Colloquium
500E ENER Graduate seminar
500Q DEV Fu* Quantum Seminar
501 CORE Mamishev Academic writing
504 DEV Bohringer Introduction to MEMS
505 COMM Trivedi Probability and random processes
508 COMM CANCELLED Stochastic processes in engineering
510 SCR Shared Controls Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory (4)
511 SIP Bilmes Introduction to statistical learning
514 SIP Bilmes Information theory I
516 SIP Bilmes Computer speech processing
518 SIP CANCELLED Digital signal processing
522 DEV Mouradian Quantum Information Practicum
527 DEV Microfabrication
531 DEV Dunham Semiconductor Devices & Simulation
537 VLSI Shi Computation methods for circuit analysis and simulation
538A VLSI Rudell Special topics in circuit design
538B VLSI Moazeni Special topics in circuit design (“Electronic-Photonic Integrated Systems”)
539A DEV Anantram Cory Lam (w/484) Special topics in devices
541 VLSI Hauck CAD for VLSI
542 CSE Hussein Hussein Embedded systems capstone (w/ EE 475)
543 SCR Kalavakonda Models of Robot Manipulation (4)
546A SCR Ratliff CANCELLED Advanced Topics in Control System Theory
546B SCR Ingraham Changed to EE 569 Advanced Topics in Control System Theory
546C SCR Advanced Topics in Control System Theory
547 SCR Shared Controls Linear Systems Theory (4)
548 SCR Leung -AA Linear Multivariable Control (3)
549 SCR CANCELLED Estimation and Systems Identification (3)
550 SCR Shared Controls Nonlinear Optimal Control (3)
553 ENER Kirschen Power system economics
554 ENER Zhang Large electric energy systems analysis
559 ENER Lukuyu Special topics in electrical energy systems
562 SIP Shapiro AI for engineers
565 COMM Gadre Computer communication networks I
569 BIO Moritz Advanced Neurotechnology (3)
578 SCR Fazel Convex Optimization (4)
580 SCR CANCELLED Geometric Methods for Non-Linear Control Systems (3)
581 SCR CANCELLED Digital Control System Design (4)
583 SCR Shared Controls Nonlinear Control Systems (3)
593 SCR Devasia Feedforward Control (3)
594 SCR Robust Control (3)
595 COMM Gadre Advanced topics in communication theory
597 SCR Networked Dynamics Systems (3)
598B CORE Arabshahi Arabshahi Advanced topics in electrical engineering