If you are taking classes in ECE, or working in one of our research labs, you may hear someone say you need an “ECE computing account”. So what exactly is that, you ask?
The ECE department has migrated pretty much all of its computing systems to use UW NetID authentication. When someone talks about an “ECE account” nowadays, what they really mean is that your UW NetID needs to be linked with our ECE computing systems before you can access most ECE resources. So, logging into ECE computers with an “ECE account” means you still use the same UW NetID and same UW password you use everywhere else on campus.
And the good news is – most people don’t need to do anything to link their NetID with our ECE systems! UW provides us with lists of the students enrolled in our programs, and our groups are updated to include everyone on those lists, automatically. If you’re enrolled in an ECE course for the current quarter, you shouldn’t run into any roadblocks.
The NetIDs for new faculty and staff are linked to our department groups as part of the onboarding process – again, this should not typically require any action on your part.
If you have any questions, or if you are running into problems when you try to log into an ECE server or workstation – please email the ECE helpdesk. Be sure to let us know what your affiliation with the ECE department is, and to what system you were trying to log in.
Updated 2021-10-03