November 9, 2022
Installing additional software in the Linux Lab
Since the primary purpose of the Linux Lab is to support student work in specific courses, any software installed on those machines needs to be tested to make sure its requirements align with the main packages we use from Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsis, etc. As such, students do not have the ability to install software…
October 4, 2022
Changing Your Login Shell
The default shell environment in our Linux Lab uses bash. However some software used by our students may require a different shell, such as tcsh.
May 11, 2022
Custom Configuration – Modern gcc
The ECE Linux Lab machines run AlmaLinux 8, which provides gcc version 8.5 by default. However some software may require a more up-to-date compiler than that distro provides. We have installed the application streams for gcc 11 (gcc-toolset-11) and gcc 13 (gcc-toolset-13). To use either of these versions, you must runĀ your shell under the…
Custom Configuration – Python Modules and Builds
Students do not have root permission on Linux Lab machines. So if students need to install additional software, they need to do it under their own home directories (which has the advantage of “install once, run on any Lab node”).
About the ECE Linux Lab
The ECE Linux Lab, located in ECE 347, is intended for academic (course-related) use only, and is accessible to all students currently enrolled in at least one ECE course. The current Linux Lab workstations were funded by UW’s Student Technology Fee.
About Linux VNC Sessions
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) allows graphical programs to be run remotely with the ability to reconnect to that session should the network connection fail. The ECE Linux Lab systems have VNC software installed.