January 16, 2024
How to password-protect pages on this server (“peden.ece.uw.edu”)
When we moved the internal and operations pages over to WordPress, our intent was to make it as easy as possible for people to do everyday edits on their own, as much as possible. By default, new web pages created on this server (peden.ece.uw.edu) are not password-protected. However it is simple to add a login…
September 11, 2023
Standard Computer Purchase
Greetings: Below you will find the ECE standard desktop / laptop configuration. Please note, all configurations come with Dell P2422H monitors. Standard Desktop Configuration Windows Mac Dell Optiplex 7010 $1,200 Mac Mini M2 $1,576 Dell P2422H $208 Dell P2422H $208 Dell P2422H $208 Dell P2422H $208 Various Accessories (Cables) $75 Total before Tax $1,616 Total…
March 3, 2023
Setting Up Remote Access to Research Computers and Devices
This page provides information that’s useful in the situation where you have equipment (computers or other devices) in your research lab that needs to be remotely accessible to some degree beyond the default. Important note: ECE Computing strongly discourages and resists research groups opening up ssh to the world, since too many ECE research groups…
November 9, 2022
Installing additional software in the Linux Lab
Since the primary purpose of the Linux Lab is to support student work in specific courses, any software installed on those machines needs to be tested to make sure its requirements align with the main packages we use from Cadence, Mentor Graphics, Synopsis, etc. As such, students do not have the ability to install software…
October 25, 2022
Keeping Multiple Kerberos Tickets in “Red Hat” Linux
Red Hat Linux and its clones can be configured to authenticate users against a Kerberos realm both directly and via PAM. Unfortunately, its default setup maintains tickets for only one realm at a time – if you authenticate to a second realm, information regarding the first realm is overwritten. This page discusses one way to…
May 11, 2022
Emergency Contact
Who do I contact in an emergency regarding ECE computing services? During weekdays, problems can be reported by coming to rooms 307H, 307G or 307F and talking directly with us. You can also report problems by writing to the ECE Computing Helpdesk at any time. On weekends you can reach the on-duty system administrator by…
Software Available to ECE Faculty, Staff, and Students
The following software is available for download to everyone affiliated with the Electrical Engineering department.
Info for Graduates Regarding Mailing Lists
We sometimes get requests from recent graduates, asking if they can stay on the undergraduate or graduate mailing list. Most often this request is made because the student would like to stay apprised of new job announcements that are posted to the list.
Guidelines for Using Our Mailing Lists
The department has a number of mailing lists and email addresses which are used to quickly and easily send information to large groups of people. This page spells out some basic guidelines regarding the proper etiquette when you are participating on one or more of these lists.
Sending Email Using UW’s SMTP Server
ECE’s email support is minimal – for most things we rely on the services offered by UW. If you want to use an outgoing (SMTP) email server, you’ll need to rely on UW’s. Most modern email programs will configure themselves automatically, or at most just require you enter the SMTP server’s name. We provide the…
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