May 11, 2022
Ethics in Computer Usage
All faculty, staff, and students who use any computer at the ECE Department (and the University of Washington in general) are responsible for using computer resources in an ethical and legal manner. University policy prohibits account theft, file theft, violations of informational privacy, and penetration or harm to operating systems. If abuse of computer systems…
Software Copyright Policy
Most software available for use on computers at the University of Washington is protected by federal copyright laws. Educational institutions are not exempt from the laws covering copyrights, and it is the policy of the university to respect federal copyright and license protections. In addition, software is normally protected by a license agreement between the…
Account Policies
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering provides computing system access to all individuals who are enrolled in courses offered by the ECE department, as well as to faculty and staff employed by the department. This access is meant to be used only for ECE academic and research purposes – commercial use is prohibited.