Computing Support


May 11, 2022

About the ECE Linux Lab

The ECE Linux Lab, located in ECE 347, is intended for academic (course-related) use only, and is accessible to all students currently enrolled in at least one ECE course. The current Linux Lab workstations were funded by UW’s Student Technology Fee.

Computing Lab Locations

ECE’s Computing Labs are located in the ECE Building on the first and third floors. You must have a an ECE-affiliated UW NetID to log onto these computers. Also, since the labs are locked, be sure to bring your student card with you – the doors have magnetic card readers that only allows access by…

About Linux VNC Sessions

VNC (Virtual Network Computing) allows graphical programs to be run remotely with the ability to reconnect to that session should the network connection fail. The ECE Linux Lab systems have VNC software installed.