May 11, 2022
Email at UWECE
About “@ece.uw.edu” email addresses If you are faculty or staff in the ECE department, you automatically have an UWECE email address – yournetid@ece.uw.edu . So if your NetID is “arthur42”, your ECE email email address is “arthur42@ece.uw.edu”. This address is strictly a forwarding address – any email sent to it is simply passed along to…
About Search Engines and “Spiders”
• How do I prevent search engines from listing my pages? • How can I make sure the search engines include my pages?
Controlling Access to Web Pages
The Web, by default, is pretty much wide open. If you put a page on the Web then anyone who can get the URL (Web address) can usually see it. Since this isn’t always what you want, Web servers have methods for controlling access to Web content – but you have to know how these…
Setting Up Class Web Pages
Typically, instructors are expected to put their class pages and materials on Canvas. Access to Canvas is set up automatically when an instructor is assigned a course by ECE’s Advising group. Email advising@ece.uw.edu for more information.
Website Hosting Options for Groups, Labs, and Individuals
There are a number of ways groups, labs, and individuals associated with the ECE department can set up a website. Below are the options ECE supports internally, plus some other options offered by the University. There are, of course, a multitude of additional options available elsewhere… albeit usually for a fee.
Computing Lab Locations
ECE’s Computing Labs are located in the ECE Building on the first and third floors. You must have a an ECE-affiliated UW NetID to log onto these computers. Also, since the labs are locked, be sure to bring your student card with you – the doors have magnetic card readers that only allows access by…
About Linux VNC Sessions
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) allows graphical programs to be run remotely with the ability to reconnect to that session should the network connection fail. The ECE Linux Lab systems have VNC software installed.
Remote Access via SSH
As of February 2019, remote access from off-campus via SSH is no longer permitted by default. A few hosts have been grandfathered in to allow remote access, but those are gradually being phased out. To ssh into an ECE system, a VPN must be used.
Important note: Please note that, during the non-academic part of UW’s summer schedule (the time period between Summer and Fall quarter from mid-August to late September), our VDI service may be unavailable due to updates and maintenance. What is COE-VDI? Electrical and Computer Engineering has teamed up with the College of Engineering to provide our…
Remote Access to ECE Computing Resources
Access to most computing resources in our department requires a VPN connection. Whether you’re editing your lab’s WordPress website, or using SSH to log into the ECE Linux Lab or other departmental servers, you’ll first need to connect to UW’s Husky OnNet VPN.
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